


Good Lord.
It has been such a long period of time since I last posted here.
Methinks I had definitely abandoned blogspot for tumblr. >.>
How will you ever forgive me?


Tomorrow is November first.
Wish me luck.
My goal is 1660 words a day.
We'll see how that goes.

Happy Halloween!
Eat too much candy!

Swankystuffs- Being able to say "Meow" consistently because you are a cat for Halloween.
Rumpus- stress.


Peaches, Polygamy, Postulates, and Porcupines

Holy freaking frozen peaches on a stick, when was the last time I blogged? *checks* September 20th....that's a month. >.>
I started tumbling. Like, tumblr. ACK, Why did I say that? I know what you're thinking, and you are completely correct. Blogger, I cheated on you with Tumblr. There, I said it. I was wondering if you, Tumbly and I could have a polygamist relationship? You know, like on that show on TLC "Sister Wives" where this incredibly unattractive guy has four wives and a total of 16 children and they all live in the same house and say "we would like to court her." when talking about the husband maybe, possibly dating another woman. I KNOW. WAT.

Yeah, so can I like, blog with you AND Tumblr? REALLY? Awesome. <3 You're the best.

Guys, I'm talking to a website.

So... besides the fact that I use Tumblr now ( ) I am going to do NaNoWriMo next month. .. basically I am going to write a 50,000+ novel. I am probably going to post a blog every day if I can, just to get into writing every single day. w00t. Wish me luck. (My novel is about juvenile delinquents who escape their facility to...well. you don't need to know that yet.)

Nothing else very interesting has been going on. erm, school is okay. Very stressful, lots of learning obviously...OOHH GEOMETRY! PROOFS, POSTULATES, AND THEOREMS. -____-
My buddy Courtney ( )and I have started mailing letters to each other, which I find quite amusing, and awesomely geeky. She lives an hour away, but we're still penpals.

oh, and I guess this is sort of snazzy.... I changed my relationship status on Facebook. So now Kevin and I are facebook offical. Blargh. That term makes me sick. xD I decided it was time to like, actually let some friends of mine (not my best friends, I had to tell them right away) know about yeah. Well I did kind of like, block my Dad, stepmom and grandma from seeing it. They don't need to know about that right now. Anywho, as soon as I posted it, I literally got 7 facebook chat thingys from people. "WHO'S YOUR BOYFRIEND? DO I KNOW HIM?" "WHAT DO YOU MEAN SCOTLAND? Like, the country?" "Wait, how do you know him if he lives in Scotland?" "Does he go to our school?" "Is his accent hawt?"

.....OHMYLORD. People are nosey. Yeah.. whatever.

So this post has been lovely...I know I call myself the Grammar Wizard, but I should really be the Typo Monster. I hope your weekend is full of fun, happiness, and porcupines.

SwankyStuffs- Fortune cookies that read " 'You're' is a contraction, you fools."
Rumpus- Upset stomachs.


It's the little things in life that make me smile.

S'mores on summer nights.
Wearing your favorite T-shirt to school.
Taking a long Sunday nap. (You can do this because your curtains darken the room and it feels like nighttime.)
Hanging up a picture of you and someone you love in your bedroom.
Staying up late and talking about the good times, way back when.
No homework on a Monday.
Hearing your favorite song live.
When someone thanks you for being a nice person.
Arguing about stupid things, like how many different kinds of grapes there are.
Tripping in the hallways and laughing at yourself.
Hugs from your favorite person, especially when needed.
Fuzzy socks.
Getting a text that says "You're awesome."
A video on youtube that makes me laugh until I cry.
Mashed potatoes made by my mother.
Kisses from my puppy.
Seeing/hearing the words "Rapscallion, tomfoolery, rumpus, tomfoolery, or shenanigans" in a book, article, movie.
Seeing a fellow classmate reading Harry Potter.
Fluffy pillows.
Hand sanitizer.
New violin rosin.
When my mother calls me "Skunky" for no reason at all. :P
Panda bears.
Bright blue nail polish.
Finding the perfect outfit to wear.
A nice bagel with strawberry creme cheese.
Writing assignments that are fun to work on.
Knowing that your favorite Tv show is on tomorrow.
Random blogging.
Witty friends.
Stupid commercials that make you laugh.


Rumpus- Lots o' maths homework, missing your pally that lives far away.. *cough* COURTNEY *cough*
Swankystuffs- new, shiny refrigerator. ♥ oh, and...GLEE SEASON TWO PREMIERE.



You are truly special.
Don't forget it.

wow, haven't blogged in forever. Don't have time today. Won't be a long post. so apparently I can't even use complete sentences...hmmm...the Grammar Wizard has failed.

swankystuffs- lights in pools that change colors.
rumpus- no mo' pizza? :(




I told my parents the 'secret' I've been keeping for 4 months: I have a boyfriend who lives in Scotland. So, now I can mention him not-so-vaguely on blogs, without the fear of my mother finding out.
I am SO relieved to have told them. Well, my stepdad knows, not my Dad. I guess he'll find out eventually...
anywho, I thought I was going to get in huge trouble, but really, all my punishment was, is doing dishes for a month. Not too shabby.
The elephant is no longer sitting on my chest.

Life is good. School is hot and sweaty, ick. I have my Driver's permit. :D !My friends are snazzy and I'm in love. :)

Swankystuffs- frosting
Rumpus- practicing scales


Forever and ever?

I am an outspoken, sometimes obnoxious human being. I love to be sassy and voice my opinion to others. Also, I'm just very loud and random. But why is it, that when I get to my honors English class, I'm this quiet, reserved, nerd girl who is boring and shy. WHY? All the other kids in this class seem to be very good friends, so when I try to join in, I am automatically not included. It's not fair. I want to be myself. But I can't because I am very intimidated by these rowdy, group of people. The teacher seems to like them a whole lot because they are all very humorous, and creative.I want her to realize that I have talent. But it seems as if she won't because I don't talk much. Why can't I open up and be myself? As John Green puts it "Whose self would you otherwise be being?" ...or maybe this shy little girl is a part of me? I don't like that. Not one bit.

School is a little stressful.
I don't enjoy having this stress back in my life.
But if I keep a positive attitude, it'll get better.
I have to tell my mother something... something I should have told her a while ago.

Don't you hate that feeling? Like there's an elephant sitting on your chest. You won't be allowed to breathe until you get all these tasks done. Until you tell that secret and come clean. Until you are relieved of the stress. Do you know what I'm talking about? No? Good for you.

Rumpus- All of the above ^
Swankystuffs- that one person that brightens your days. Even if all they say is "Hello".


Dis be mah blog post fo' 2day.

the internet is amazing.
It's brought me to so many amazing people.
Like, best friends. Fo' real.
I have no idea why I'm like trying to sound all stupid and ghetto, cause DUH. I'm da gramma' wizard. yeah okay. sugar does bad things to my grammar.
Life is good. I hope your's is goo. I mean too*. Not goo. Goo is icky.

I should probs do some homework naow,folks.(loljk, I'ma watch this movie that haz Zac Efron. Zac Efron is attractive.)

Short blog posts for the winnnn.

Have a swanky weekend! :)

Swankystuffs- peppermint icecream
Rumpus- Only 3 days o' the weekend.