


Dear Non-Existent Readers,

hy hello there Sailor!
You are either a complete stranger, or in fact another one of my friends.
If you are a friend of mine, I appreciate the fact that you actually thought to yourself "hmm. I am indubitably bored. I guess I shall force myself to read Hannah's blog." And here we are. Here I am blabbing on and on about absolute nothingness. And here you are, errr, reading it obviously.
I do believe that the only reason that I made a blog (why is a 'blog' even called a 'blog'? I understand the whole 'log' part, but where did the B come from? Goodness gracious, this world is explosively confusing) was because I am blase(argh. why is there no accent on the E?!).. Bored. Nothing remotely interesting happens from 7-10 PM or on weekends in the life of Hanners. So I have decided to blog my thoughts. Perhaps no one will read them. Perhaps a few shall. Either way, I am going to get on this dang site and ramble about a plethora of nonsense, thus spewing the contents of my haphazard world about the interwebz. Because I CAN!
Also, because I absolutely adore writing. It is truly the only way I can calmly explain something, or even just relax.
Once again, I appreciate you for takin' a quick look at this page.
For those of you who do not know me : I am Hannah. I am the GrammarWizard. I am a complete nerd, and I love you. ♥
Also, Please enjoy this lovely, and surprisingly large picture of Einstein and what appears to be a Razer guitar.


  1. Hai! That is a lovely picture of Einstein. xD

  2. YO. YOU. KID. Why don't you spew out some more ramblings? Please? Kthxbai.


"Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!"
Say anything you'd like. It can be as random as that ^ and I won't judge you.