


Dreaming, Mononucleosis, Happy Circles, and other Nonsense

I like Glee. A lot.

In other news, I miss my best friend. Courtney dearest, come to Bourbonnais as soon as you can. We need to go to Barnes and Noble and look at the YA books for hours, we also need to watch spanish soap operas at three in the morning while hyper on soda and screaming "WASH YOUR HAIR", and quote HBP nonstop. I miss you, Barnaby.

Anywho, Hullo earthlings.
I have decided to make blogging consistent because it feels prrrrretty good to write on a regular basis.
Last night I had a dream that I got eaten by a chest of drawers. I mean, I guess you could say that I just stepped into them, so I kind of chose my own fate. Perhaps I thought Narnia was in there? And I'll have you know, that I would probably risk my life if it meant that I could see Mr. Tumnus. Owait. He's deceased.
Anyways, the dream consisted of myself and my grandmother sitting at the kitchen table discussing whether or not I should go into the chest of drawers. The reason this was up for discussion is because the chest of drawers was calling out "COME TO ME" in a Scottish accent. (I don't have a clue why :P ) I said it would be "quite an adventure" and she said "that is so very unsafe!" But late at night, when no one was watching, I went inside. I screamed, then I woke up. Telling it now, it seems short and not scary. But the dream, was sort of an "out of body experience" I was watching myself. and it was quite a long dream.
I dream every night. That's just how it works for me. and they are always strange ones. I won't go into detail. Just believe me when I say that they are extremely peculiar.
So, an update of my life? uhm. I am home sick. I might just have mononucleosis.T'is a nast sickness with loads of mucus and feeling like death. I have toooooooons of lovely study guides to do, seeing as school is ending and finals are coming.
aaaand we are moving. But alas! None of this is getting to me. I'm happy. And it feels good.

Summer is coming soon. and it shall be incredibly swanky. For it is going to be filled with Friends, smores, sun, Florida, Six Flags, weddings, and loooooove.
The weekend is coming. My brother is graduating high school. I am getting more and more OCD and insane as the days go by. and I am just incredibly happy.

I hope that you too, are happy. Happiness runs in a circular motion. Enjoy the ride while you're on it.

My grandmother just walked into my room and said "Hannah, please fax your mother and tell her about your appointment." She meant text. Not fax. Oh the elderly. How archaic and crusty their minds are beginning to become.

Anywho, Sorry if I bored you.
Have a splendid few days.

1 comment:

  1. This was a very lovely blog post and I laughed several times. True facts!

    I kind of love you. *cheesecheesecheese*
    (David hates when I say that. Whatever. Cheesiness is awesome. xD)


"Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!"
Say anything you'd like. It can be as random as that ^ and I won't judge you.