


so, I have a tan. I'm proud of it. I also came back from Florida with...okay, no souvenirs. but I did have the experience of going to Hogwarts, and whatnot.

Oh! and I saw Eclipse. but it felt like the same dialogue that they've used for the two previous movies, and the filming was pretty much just close ups of Edward Cullen's shimmery, pale face. yeah, I don't recommend it. Also, it didn't really help that I was like dead tired during it and when I look back, it feels like I saw it in a dream. (the best part of the movies was the Deathly Hallows trailer beforehand) .. yeah. :P

Yep. So I'm currently sitting on my couch watching Wizards of Waverly Place with my little sister. I think I've seen this episode like 4 times. How is that even possible? D:
I have nothing else to say really. My life is great. I'm loving it, it's just not that eventful. Does that make sense? :)
I must go now and enjoy my baked doritos. kbai.

Swankystuffs- Fleece blankets.
Rumpus- humidity


"And I was like baby, baby, baby, GET SOME CREATIVITY."

I really need to stop listening to "current" music. like seriously. Those half-baked, poorly written songs, are so freaking catchy. They make me want to DANCE. This is NOT GOOD. No one wants to see me dance. I really need to stick to wizard rock, oldies, and if I absolutely need to listen to pop music, I should listen to nerdy parodies of them. Justin Bieber is just NOT acceptable, I need to stop listening to that one song of his. wait what?...I didn't say that. kthanks.

I'z in Florida. It's pretty here. I like it. The Wizarding World of Harry Potter was....MAGICAL! (alakazam) Everything there looked and felt like I was in the movies. of my favorite days evar. OH! and butterbeer is pretty darn delicious. mmmmmmmmm.
Lately, I've been really moody, bipolar, and indecisive. Basically, I worry about just about everything in my life, and make mental pro/con lists. Then I complain, and take my angst out on the people I love. WHY? I do not know. I apologize for being a crabby teenage girl. :P Well, come to think of it, this is who I am. And I'm stuck wondering whether this is a terrible thing that needs to be fixed, or it's really just who I am, and I need to get used to being this way. CONFUSION. >.<

Other than that, life is good. I love summer break. I need to catch up on reading. But there really isn't anything I need 'to get done' because it's el verano, which means I can relax and enjoy myself. :)

Tuesday(or is it wednesday?) I go back to Illinois. I shall then resume my laziness, and perhaps chill (CAN I HAZ A TAN?)at my friend's pool.

Happy Birthday America. Hope everyone has a good holiday. or you know, just plain weekend. :)

Swankystuffs: puttputt golfing with yo family.
Rumpus: Brothers who taunt you to no end.