


"And I was like baby, baby, baby, GET SOME CREATIVITY."

I really need to stop listening to "current" music. like seriously. Those half-baked, poorly written songs, are so freaking catchy. They make me want to DANCE. This is NOT GOOD. No one wants to see me dance. I really need to stick to wizard rock, oldies, and if I absolutely need to listen to pop music, I should listen to nerdy parodies of them. Justin Bieber is just NOT acceptable, I need to stop listening to that one song of his. wait what?...I didn't say that. kthanks.

I'z in Florida. It's pretty here. I like it. The Wizarding World of Harry Potter was....MAGICAL! (alakazam) Everything there looked and felt like I was in the movies. of my favorite days evar. OH! and butterbeer is pretty darn delicious. mmmmmmmmm.
Lately, I've been really moody, bipolar, and indecisive. Basically, I worry about just about everything in my life, and make mental pro/con lists. Then I complain, and take my angst out on the people I love. WHY? I do not know. I apologize for being a crabby teenage girl. :P Well, come to think of it, this is who I am. And I'm stuck wondering whether this is a terrible thing that needs to be fixed, or it's really just who I am, and I need to get used to being this way. CONFUSION. >.<

Other than that, life is good. I love summer break. I need to catch up on reading. But there really isn't anything I need 'to get done' because it's el verano, which means I can relax and enjoy myself. :)

Tuesday(or is it wednesday?) I go back to Illinois. I shall then resume my laziness, and perhaps chill (CAN I HAZ A TAN?)at my friend's pool.

Happy Birthday America. Hope everyone has a good holiday. or you know, just plain weekend. :)

Swankystuffs: puttputt golfing with yo family.
Rumpus: Brothers who taunt you to no end.

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"Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!"
Say anything you'd like. It can be as random as that ^ and I won't judge you.