


C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G Song

I'm in a tent. It's raining. but, I have really good wifi. I'm camping. Sort of.

Why yes! I am extensively aware of the fact that I have just told you the most stimulating short story of all time. You may extol my awesomeness now.

Swankystuffs- Staying after closing at Cedar Point, and riding Millenium Force five times.
Rumpus- unwanted precipitation


Hello, I love you.

:) I'm happy. Certain people are good at making me feel this way.

I love...
brownies, Voldemort, converse, ALLCAPS, skype calls, friends that stop by, summer tan lines, making "favorite song" playlists, twitter, new singles, inside jokes, giggling, mexican pizza, being sappy, practicing violin, Nerdfighteria, soundtracks, finding something you've been missing for years, and... *points* YOU. ♥

Have a nice week. I'm off to Ohio.



Richard Harris and Michael Gambon are spiffy.

If Dumbledore was here, he would tell me I'm being foolish. He'd say that I shouldn't listen to what other people say, and that I'm a beautiful person. Ol' Albus would reprimand me for comparing myself to other people. I'm positive that he would come up with something astoundingly wise and astute yet completely typical of him. If that makes sense. :P Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore always knows what to declare, and he'd cheer me up. but alas, the greatest wizard of all time, is not here. Nor does he exist. (wait...I mean..what? :x )
Looks like I'll have to turn to someone else...

Haha sorry people, I'm not emo. I'm just emo-tional. But otherwise, I'm doing good. I just a nice self-esteem booster or something.

Swankystuffs- Warm brownies
Rumpus- feeling lonely


School is bad news. Yesterday, I got some new shoes.

Wow. Summer has gone by so fast. I've got exactly a month left of it, and I feel like school JUST ended. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm excited about becoming a sophomore, starting Driver's Ed, seeing all my school friends, and going back to orchestra, but GAH. School JUST ended, and now I have to go back. D: I want a longer summer. and I don't want schoolwork and drama to deal with. Oh and good Lord, freshmen. -_- last year, I was happy to get rid of the 8th graders, but now I get to see them again. WEWT. ...yeah. :P #Hannahcomplains
I guess it'll be nice to buy new clothes, and see my friends, and start fresh. I need to think positive, but I just wish I had more time.

In other news, I'm really excited about a few things. This wednesday, I'm going on another vacation but this time with my mom and her husband. We're off to Ohio and Michigan. Where I shall go to Cedar Point (ROLLERCOASTERS) and camping at Silver Lake. So yeah, I finally get to take a trip to the beach, get more of a tan. Which by the way, I am pretty tan already. Not that you care...but you can definitely see because my birthmark (the one that looks like Abe Lincoln's profile) is entirely visible. :P Which basically means, that my skin color is a lot darker then, say...Edward Cullen's sparkly skin.
I'm also pretty stoked for September, which shall include my school's homecoming dance, David Archuleta's new album ( #dork ) , THE NEW SEASON OF GLEE, and Camp Rock 2( #dorkagain )

I've read three books in the past week and a half. I am quite proud of myself. Considering the fact that I have not read hardly at all this summer. My goal is to read 75 books this year, and I'm getting pretty close, but secretly (you may think this is silly) I want to get to one hundred. It's more 'even' that way. Yeah, I'm Hannah and I have a bit of OCD.

SwankyStuffs- White castle onion rings
Rumpus- my eldest brother has returned from his church trip. -_-