


School is bad news. Yesterday, I got some new shoes.

Wow. Summer has gone by so fast. I've got exactly a month left of it, and I feel like school JUST ended. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm excited about becoming a sophomore, starting Driver's Ed, seeing all my school friends, and going back to orchestra, but GAH. School JUST ended, and now I have to go back. D: I want a longer summer. and I don't want schoolwork and drama to deal with. Oh and good Lord, freshmen. -_- last year, I was happy to get rid of the 8th graders, but now I get to see them again. WEWT. ...yeah. :P #Hannahcomplains
I guess it'll be nice to buy new clothes, and see my friends, and start fresh. I need to think positive, but I just wish I had more time.

In other news, I'm really excited about a few things. This wednesday, I'm going on another vacation but this time with my mom and her husband. We're off to Ohio and Michigan. Where I shall go to Cedar Point (ROLLERCOASTERS) and camping at Silver Lake. So yeah, I finally get to take a trip to the beach, get more of a tan. Which by the way, I am pretty tan already. Not that you care...but you can definitely see because my birthmark (the one that looks like Abe Lincoln's profile) is entirely visible. :P Which basically means, that my skin color is a lot darker then, say...Edward Cullen's sparkly skin.
I'm also pretty stoked for September, which shall include my school's homecoming dance, David Archuleta's new album ( #dork ) , THE NEW SEASON OF GLEE, and Camp Rock 2( #dorkagain )

I've read three books in the past week and a half. I am quite proud of myself. Considering the fact that I have not read hardly at all this summer. My goal is to read 75 books this year, and I'm getting pretty close, but secretly (you may think this is silly) I want to get to one hundred. It's more 'even' that way. Yeah, I'm Hannah and I have a bit of OCD.

SwankyStuffs- White castle onion rings
Rumpus- my eldest brother has returned from his church trip. -_-


  1. I want to read 100 too. I probably could... I just need to read a lot more! :P WE CAN DO IT!

    I enjoy reading your blogs. :)

  2. me too! haha. I love how we all told each other we were trying to read 75, but secretly trying to get to 100. :P


"Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!"
Say anything you'd like. It can be as random as that ^ and I won't judge you.