


"We're saying magical, naughty words like 'jiggerypokery' !" #Titleirrelevant

My tab button is still not working. I might just have to murder a randomer on the street. Juuuuuust kidding, folks. :)
HOW ARE YOU ALL?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?! I hope you are just as fancy schmancy, giddy, and ecstatic as I am. If not, I'z sorry, but I do hope for you to find a reason soon to feel this way. :D yeahhh. I am in such a great mood. Life, and summer is just going splendidly. Last night, my friend Courtney came over. I don't often see her in person because she lives about an hour and a half from me. Sadness. So she just left, but we had a really great time. We've sorta made it a tradition to trek our way (more like mi madre driving us) to Barnes and Noble and hanging there for a few hours. What can I say? We like books. A lot. Also, BN haz Starbucks. Starbucks equals GrandeJavaChipFrappuchinos. ZOMG. ♥ So yeah. Today was naice. Courtney also let me put a bunch of her snazzy Cd's onto my iTunes. I am mostly excited about the ALLCAPS one. Luke Conard and Kristina Horner are quite wondrous. :)
Soooooooooo my father emailed me the other day a few links to websites about The Wizarding World of Harry Potter. Why?, you may ask. BECAUSE I AM GOING THERE. In about two weeks, I shall go to Florida, the place in which my father has recently inhabited. I am so stoked. It looks AMAZING. After years and years of wishing I could attend Hogwarts' School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, I can finally go thereeeeeeeeee!!! #nerd :) It looks so real, there are about 3 rollercoasters, and it has all the shops and sites from Hogsmeade. Also, you send Owl Post from there. HECK YES. Should be a fun time.
Oh, and next weekend, I am going to Six Flags in St. Louis, Missouri. WEWT. Rollercoasters are literally one of my favorite things in the world.
I have about 7 books I need to read, so I should probably pull myself away from this computer at some point, and get to it. hmmph.
Anyways, I believe that all of you are awesome. So don't forget it. Have an indubitably phenomenal day. ♥
SwankyStuffs: HarryfreakingPotter, Rollercoasters and internet hearts (♥)
Rumpus: Little sisters kicking you in the shins.



The weather has been crappy here in the lovely town o' ___, IL. So many thunderstorms/tornado warnings etc. Tonight, a sleepover complete with a Gilmore Girls marathon, got cancelled because of the weather. :( BUT. Then it got rescheduled. For tonight. So basically, it wasn't actually cancelled. :P hehe. Yeah, I'z a fool.
My tab button isn't working on my keyboard, so I cannot indent, and this drives me insane. >.<
2 of my pallies have made a blog today, and I am happy because of that. They are amazing nerdfighters as well. Kevin: and Cole : So yeah, read their blogs. They be amazing people. :)
Right now I am sitting in front of the television with my sister, whilst watching some strange disney show called "Good Luck Charlie". All disney channel showes are the same: terrible. -_-
Recently I've discovered, that when I introduce things that I like (tv shows, books, music, etc) to others, at first, I am excited to see how they like it, but then later on, when they become OBSESSED, I get really pissed off, and wish I was actually a wizard, and I could take back what I did. I suppose I am selfish, because in my mind, I am really thinking " NO. I LIKED IT FIRST. YOU CAN'T LIKE IT AS MUCH AS ME!" :P
Random things running through my mind today:
* I have decided to stop calling pants, pants. But to start referring to them as "pantaloons", seeing as that is the full name for them.
* I only wear my bracelets on my right hand. I wonder why. and does this have anything to do with my left-handedness?
* Does shouting really help solve problems with an arugments? REALLY?
* random.

Yeah, this blog was entirely peculiar and bizarre. See you tomorrow :)


In which I rant about sassy grandmothers and lose my title of the grammar wizard for having so many lame typos.

Just recently my mother got married. Actually, by just recently I mean this weekend. My entire family (even though they are all from different parts of the country) traveled to Kentucky (I have no clue why the wedding was in Kentucky, seeing as we live in IL...I suppose the reasons for that is probably just that my mother is insane) for the wedding. It was quite naice. We had fun, the wedding was gorgeous, I got to see my family and whatnot. So wheeeeee. (EXCEPT I HAD NO INTERNET CONNECTION AND MY LIFE WAS RUINED)
Now, I am currently at my grandparents' lake house in Loda, IL. I call it Yoda. 'Tis this tiny, minuscule town that is inhabited mostly by the old crusty people, and their yappy little doggies. I am not an outdoorsy person, so I am pretty bored. I went for a 5 mile bike ride yesterday with my cousins after it stopped pouring rain. Good exercise. Yay. But other than bike rides, eating, reading, being snarky, and going online, I don't do much at this lovely lake house. So of course, my grandmother complains. "You've been on your computer all afternoon." "Sorry Grandma..." " I think you should spend time with your cousins tomorrow, and swim in the lake."
Of course, I was not that rude and didn't respond to her like that, but I said "Okay, but I will be online some tomorrow." and she goes "Well, don't be on too long." "It's my computer." she sasses me back : "It's our internet." and I say "HA. Like that'll stop me." and then I ran up the stairs and ignored her for about an hour.
GRRRRRRRRR. My GRANDMA is so sassy. Who here has a SASSY grandmother? NO ONE.
Also, she doesn't cook. She only cleans. and sometimes, she comes into your room at midnight ON A SCHOOL NIGHT and cleans your closet. woopdedoo! ...she is insane most of the days.
I know you are probably thinking, "what if said grandma reads this blog post?" Well folks, she won't because she doesn't know how to use a computer, really. (Once when trying to get to, she didn't know how. And instead of typing it where it should've gone, she typed it in to the google search box, clicked the link, and went there. Yeah, I know that's one way, but she does it with every single website. also, she doesn't know what "copy" and "paste" mean.

Okay, enough complaining about my grandma. Last night, I had so much fun. I have this uncle. He is pretty spiffy. All of the cousins, my uncle, and I were sitting in the living room, bored. Somehow we got to the subject of movies and my uncle Tony goes " NINE FAVORITE MOVIES. GO!" We were utterly confused. "Come on now, everyone list their 9 favorite movies." Being myself, I asked why it had to be the number 9 and not 10 or any other number. He simply said that 9 was a good number, and it just had to be 9.
We couldn't all list our 9 favorite movies at the tops of our heads, so Tony said that we would list ALL THE MOVIES and if one of them was one of your nine favorites, raise your hand. This event was hilarious because we literally spent the next three hours listening to and helping my uncle list off the most ridiculous movies ever, plus some good ones, all in alphabetical order.
Whenever we thought of one we skipped, he yelled RE-DO. Of course we didn't list all the movies, but it was quite hilarious. Whenever someone said a movie that was just terrible, he said it didn't constitute as a movie :P Ahhh, my family is crazy. I wonder how I came out so normal.

Over all, my summer break is going great. Though I can't wait to get back to Hogwarts next fall.
Have a splendid week. :)
With Love,