


"We're saying magical, naughty words like 'jiggerypokery' !" #Titleirrelevant

My tab button is still not working. I might just have to murder a randomer on the street. Juuuuuust kidding, folks. :)
HOW ARE YOU ALL?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?! I hope you are just as fancy schmancy, giddy, and ecstatic as I am. If not, I'z sorry, but I do hope for you to find a reason soon to feel this way. :D yeahhh. I am in such a great mood. Life, and summer is just going splendidly. Last night, my friend Courtney came over. I don't often see her in person because she lives about an hour and a half from me. Sadness. So she just left, but we had a really great time. We've sorta made it a tradition to trek our way (more like mi madre driving us) to Barnes and Noble and hanging there for a few hours. What can I say? We like books. A lot. Also, BN haz Starbucks. Starbucks equals GrandeJavaChipFrappuchinos. ZOMG. ♥ So yeah. Today was naice. Courtney also let me put a bunch of her snazzy Cd's onto my iTunes. I am mostly excited about the ALLCAPS one. Luke Conard and Kristina Horner are quite wondrous. :)
Soooooooooo my father emailed me the other day a few links to websites about The Wizarding World of Harry Potter. Why?, you may ask. BECAUSE I AM GOING THERE. In about two weeks, I shall go to Florida, the place in which my father has recently inhabited. I am so stoked. It looks AMAZING. After years and years of wishing I could attend Hogwarts' School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, I can finally go thereeeeeeeeee!!! #nerd :) It looks so real, there are about 3 rollercoasters, and it has all the shops and sites from Hogsmeade. Also, you send Owl Post from there. HECK YES. Should be a fun time.
Oh, and next weekend, I am going to Six Flags in St. Louis, Missouri. WEWT. Rollercoasters are literally one of my favorite things in the world.
I have about 7 books I need to read, so I should probably pull myself away from this computer at some point, and get to it. hmmph.
Anyways, I believe that all of you are awesome. So don't forget it. Have an indubitably phenomenal day. ♥
SwankyStuffs: HarryfreakingPotter, Rollercoasters and internet hearts (♥)
Rumpus: Little sisters kicking you in the shins.

1 comment:

  1. I had a fuuuuun time. I think if we actually trekked to Barnes and Noble, we would never arrive there... I would most likely collapse.

    I think I have had enough 7-Up for quite a while, also. xD

    I like your new "SwankyStuffs" and "Rumpus" thingy. WHAT IS THIS RUMPUS?!

    TheCourtney says goodbye.


"Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!"
Say anything you'd like. It can be as random as that ^ and I won't judge you.