



Questions. My cerebellum is full of these. Here are a few:

Why is it that after I slaved for years to mend this relationship, just to see it crumble in the end?
Why can't we all just get along?
Why can't I go to Target and pick up a few quarts of patience?
How is it, that my heart hasn't exploded from all the love, yet?
Are we having fun yet?
Why can't people tell the difference between "their, there, and they're" and also "your, and you're" ?
Who decided that pink was "a girl's color" and blue is "a boy's color?
How is it possible for me to inherit my mother's laugh? I MEAN, COME ON.
When is my sister going to stop coming into the room while I am on a skype call?
Why are my friends so amazing? and why do they love me so much?
When can I finally meet Kevin in person?
How has Justin Bieber not gone through puberty yet?
Why do I have a birthmark that resembles Abraham Lincoln's profile on my right leg?
Why are little children so interested in jewelry?
Why does time have to go by so fast, and yet it seems so slow?
Is this real life?
What are we having for dinner?
What the heck is wrong with me?
How am I not tan yet?
How is it even possible to be this happy right now?
Why do I have so many questions?
Will they ever be answered?
Why do I have an irrational fear of mustard?
Is that weird?
Why does Edward Cullen sparkle?
How the heck is that attractive?
Edgar Allan Poe is schmexy.
Why did I say that? It wasn't even a question.
How do I stop myself?
Have I lost my marbles?
Do you think I'm trying to be funny? I CAN'T STOP. owait. I just did.

phew. okays. Readers, do you have questions that run through your head multiple times throughout the day? Why are so many of them unanswered? What can you do to answer them?
Enjoy pondering. And have a happy Father's Day. :D


  1. Well most of these questions go through my head every day.

    I can answer one of them for you though, blue used to be a soft colour, mostly used for girls, and pink was strong and bold, mostly for boys, but then it got switched. So yeah, it wasn't always like that, I still prefer blue though.

  2. Questions that run through my head all the time:

    Am I good enough?
    Is this worth it?
    What the heck is going on here?
    Can I fix it?
    Should I fix it?
    What is that smell?
    What is that sound?
    Seriously, does anyone else smell/hear that?
    Am I the only one who notices these things?
    If nobody else notices the things but me, do they really matter?
    If the voices in my head tell me that I'm sane, is that irony?

    (Please note for the record that these are out of context not to be secretive, but because the context changes all the time. Like the "Is this worth it?" question gets asked about EVERYTHING from my job to my choice of dinner food.)

  3. I think you did inherit your mother's laugh... xD

    Sometimes I ask myself if this is real life, too. But you already you know that.


"Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!"
Say anything you'd like. It can be as random as that ^ and I won't judge you.