


Life is a Story Plot

So you know how in English class, before teachers give you the novel/short story/etc that you are going to read in class, they make you fill out those worthless worksheets or teach you all about the main points in a story? Well, I randomly came across one of those amiable worksheets, and it got me thinking. What if life is actually like this? Of course, books and movies are exceptionally cheesy, unrealistic, and occasionally ridiculous, but hey, so is life. (Well, minus the unrealistic part...because obviously if life was unrealistic, then it wouldn't be life, and then we would all be indubitably confused, which is exactly how you feel right this very moment, because I am not only idiosyncratic, but just plain batty.)

Think about it. Life starts off with an exposition, or introduction. Slowly, you are introduced, and adapt to a setting, an environment. You become friends with certain people, and start off your life. This of course, happens over a period of a few years. Then, there is the rising action. I would consider the pre-teen to teen years as the rising action. The time in your life when you learn new concepts, grow physically and emotionally, develop relationships, and prepare yourself for life. Of course, you are already living life, and have since well, you were born, but you are readying yourself for "living on your own".

The definition of the climax is "the highest or most intense point in the development or resolution of something; culmination." so, is it a mid-life crisis, or the happiest day or your life? This is what confuses me. Usually, in a story, it is the peak. The huuuuuge problem that is going to be resolved, in the falling action.
A story that doesn't have falling action is almost always a story that ends too abruptly and disappoints the reader. So, I would say that the falling action in one's life, would be attempting to solve your problems, continue growing as a person, possibly re-building up relationships, and just loving life. This all eventually leads to the resolution, or conclusion: death. Wow, that sounds depressing. But alack! Death definitely does not have to be a depressing event. I mean, of course someone who is dearly loved will pass on, but if they have lived a good life, and done the best they could, then you can replace mourning with remembering, and celebrating the life that they had.

Life really IS like the stories we read, and movies we watch. Keep on keeping on.
So, I am not exactly sure if this was an entirely aimless blog post or not. I am in fact, a bit deranged. The thoughts that run through my head are generally crazy and just plain strange. It's like my brain is hyper and hops around in my cranium all day. Basically, I have been thinking about life and how I want mine to be. I don't want to sound cliche and say "oh yeah, I definitely want to do something and make a difference." Sure, making a difference would be great, and I shall attempt that, but really, I just want to be the person that I am, make and mend relationships throughout the years, achieve the goals I have and will eventually set for myself, and set and example for those who are younger than I am. wewt.

As of now, I am loving life. Yes, I complain sometimes.. or you know, a lot. I really hope that I continue being happy with myself, because I'm quite pleased with how this is all going.
Sorry for the double posting today. I'm a bit awry today and felt the need to meander a bit. Anywho, have a spectacular day. Don't get up to too many antics.

SwankyStuffs- Hot ham and cheese sandwiches.
Rumpus- Chlorine hair.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know if you can REALLY apply life to one of those plot charts. Not that I know much about life in general considering I am still young, but life can be pretty crazy. I guess it just depends. Hmm. I personally don't think there is really a climax to life, though.


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