


Oh, you don't want to know.

I just wrote a crrrrrrrrrrrrrazy long blog post. I thought it was all spiffy and whatnot, but then I read it back and was like "uhh. This is lame. *highlight. backspace.* " And then folks, it was gone. I regret that. Seeing as, I was hyper on Mountain Dew. And when Hannah drinks that stuff, she goes loony. So here I am, with nothing to say. Story of my life. Soooooo yeah. I really don't know what the hay to write about. *wings it*
I have a fear of mustard. Yes. Mustard. Don't judge me. I have had scary childhood experiences that have caused me to fear this disgusting object that dares to be called a condiment. Aaaand I am going to use my fear of mustard to show you how RUDE american teens are. Dear rest of the world, I don't know how rude your teens are, but I sure hope they aren't as sassy and foolish as ours. Well, of course they aren't. We're just angsty because we are hungry and fat at the same time.
Anyways, at lunch today they had corndogs. blech. (Sorry Hank Green, but corndogs are just fried rumpus on a stick) And my 'friend', lets call her Wanda, she sat down and squealed"LOOK WHAT I HAVE. MUUUUUUUUUUUUSTARD." She then proceeded to wave the nast packet of yellow crap in my face obnoxiously. I slapped her hand and continued to read my english book. (for recreational purposes, of course.)
She was all "What's your problem Hannah? It's just mustard." I'll have you know, she is very much aware that I despise mustard but she continued to eat her corndog disgustingly in front of me. I puked a little bit in my mouth. I honestly do fear mustard, and would have ran out of the lunch room if it wasn't for the narrowness of the tables keeping me from leaving. But alas, I had to endure the stench and sit. there. in. pain.
aaargh. that was a terrible story. Sorry about that.
Long story short, don't trust the people that you label as your 'friends'. Or someday, they may turn on you and expose you to the thing you fear the most.
Come on, just imagine young, emerald eyed, Harry Potter being taunted by Ronald with a dementor.
accch. I apologize for being so horrid at morals.

UPDATES! time to sing the 'Update Song' : "ooh oh oh. updates! We love to hear about Hannah's life. She is so interesting. oh oh oh yeaahhh. "
My life is the same as it was yesterday. At least I think so. Generally I am happy. It's quite nice.

Why is today swanky?
-T'was the last day of P.E. No more standing in the outfield whilst playing kick ball and getting yelled at for not "being aggressive"
-I had animal crackers for breakfast, lunch and a snack. As the lovely Kevin pointed out, they were not chocolate covered. Pssssssh. get away.
-I got an A on my Spanish test that I thought for sure I failed
-Tomorrow is Friday :)
-My family just ordered food from "El Burrito Loco" . I'm not sure if I like that place or not, but ANY restaurant translated into "The Crazy Little Donkey" is my kind of place.

My loves, have a miraculous weekend. Eat some bacon, hang with yo' pallies, and get some sun.


  1. ... Burrito translates to donkey in English? *iz confused*

    I know a place called El Pollo Loco! It's near Sara's house. xD Hahaha. They are both very humorous names.

    ... I like mustard.
    ... On corn dogs, too.
    I'm sorry if this fact disturbs you.

  2. I really dislike mustard too, but to me, pickles are worse, especially after my brother chased me around the house with a pickle jar


"Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!"
Say anything you'd like. It can be as random as that ^ and I won't judge you.