


Storms are nifty. They make the house dark in the afternoon so I can take a nap. :D
Hello thar. I am going to copy off of my friend and use her fancy little list thing. This is because I am entirely uncreative today and refuse to think of anything remotely unique to talk about.
Here goes:
1. NAME: Hannah/Hanners/Albus

2. LAST THING YOU ATE: Barbecue Chicken. oooooommnonomnomnom

3. IF YOU WERE A CRAYON, WHAT COLOR WOULD YOU BE: Blue. Blue. Blue. Blue. or you know, purple.

4. COMEDY OR DRAMA: Comedy please. I need to laugh.

5. FAVORITE ARTICLE OF CLOTHING: My wardrobe consists of jeans, t-shirts, and the occasional sock.

6. READ BOOK BEFORE SEEING THE MOVIE: Yes. This is a necessity.

7. SUMMER, WINTER, SPRING, OR FALL: What do you think? ...SUMMER ♥

8. FAVORITE DRINKS: Mountain Dew, Grande Java Chip Frappachinos from Starbucks, H20.

9. FAVORITE SMELL: .strawberries, brownies, peanut butter.

10. FAVORITE T.V. SHOW: Glee, LOST, Gilmore Girls, The Office.

11. I SECRETLY…: I can't say that I have any secrets. Well, there is one...

12. LAST SONG YOU LISTENED TO: The Call-Regina Spektor

13. THING THAT MAKES YOU FEEL NOSTALGIC (HOME): I'm actually not sure of that one.

14. THING THAT REMINDS YOU THE MOST OF CHILDHOOD: Pokemon cards, Hey Arnold, The Bear in the Big Blue House, Jump5, my doll 'Dirty Molly' :P, The Magic Treehouse books, Full House, going to the park and climbing on the giant caterpillar thingy.

15. THING YOU WISH YOU HAD: Money. So I could travel, buy clothes and books, and go to more concerts.

16. FAVORITE FOOD: Mashed Potatoes ( I can eat them any day, and any time) Chocolate in any form, BDubs aka : Buffalo Wild Wings, Tacos, Bacon, Smores, all that good, unhealthy crap.

17. BIGGEST PET PEEVE: "I know right!?", "And I was like...and she was like....isn't that like so... like weird?", Hair flipping, orange tans, people who think they know everything about other people, fools who suck up to the teacher even though the teacher hates them, obsessive Twilight fans who think it's the best literature known to man, basically, obnoxious teenage girls who think they "rule the school".

18. BEST SUPERPOWER: Invisibility. I don't care what you say. I want to be invisible.

19. IF I COULD BE ANY FICTIONAL CHARACTER (from T.V. books, etc.), I WOULD WANT TO BE: Rory Gilmore, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, or Kate Austen.

20. FICTIONAL CHARACTER MOST LIKE MYSELF: Lorelai Gilmore. She is a whole lot more outgoing and witty than myself, but I look up to her character, and I am like her quite a bit.

21. HAMBURGER OR HOTDOG: Cheeseburger. Dare to be different.

22. DREAM JOB: Lyricist, screenplay writer, or something outrageously awesome.

23. I WISH I… could travel to Scotland, finish high school now, buy a puppy and name it Bouncy, meet John Green, and stuff my face with Bacon right this moment.

24. IF I COULD GO ANY WHERE AND MONEY WAS NOT AN OPTION, I WOULD GO TO: Scotland, Elmhurst, IL, Texas, LA, China, Australia, Madrid, England,...

25. RANDOM THING ABOUT YOU: I have OCD (undiagnosed but I'm pretty sure) So, moving the ottoman of my couch so that it is slightly at an angle, drives me nuts. I have to stop the show I am watching and fix it. There are many more embarrassing examples that I'd rather not share with you.


3 more days until my Summer begins.

Life is spiffy.

1 comment:

  1. Ahh, is the Java Chip whachamacallit the kind we had when I went over yonder to Bourbonnais in March? 'Cause that was AWESOME. :D


"Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!"
Say anything you'd like. It can be as random as that ^ and I won't judge you.