


In case you were wondering what "Sedatephobia" means, it does NOT mean a fear of being sedated. However, it DOES mean "fear of silence". The reason I put this as the sub-title of my blog, is because it said I had to put something there, and being my lazy self I thought " >.< ...what the heck am I supposed to produce from my mind and place in that box?" I happened to know what "Sedatephobia" meant, and put it there. Because simply, I am afraid of silence. :)
Even by talking to me for a few minutes, you will observe that I never shut up. Even if there is an awkward moment(and I promise you, there are many), I just change the subject and babble on about something else that is random. I never have anything to say, however, I never shut my mouth. Does that make sense? :P
It is naow summertime. and I am enjoying this A LOT. Except for the weather not being what it should be. It should be this: but unfortunately, it is this : . No, no no. The tornado is not a dramatic exaggeration. In the lovely town of _______ , IL, we have about a kajillion (accurate estimate?) tornado warnings a year. Wheeee how fun! Last night, we had a major one. Apparently it was going to "hit" at 10:10 pm. When we heard this news, my lovely family of five all crammed into our tiny bathroom since we do not have a basement in this new house. oh joy. and of course, that was the exact moment when my 9 year old brother, Seth decided he was going to be gassy. mhm. fun times. there was kicking, screaming, arguing, farting, singing, and whining in that bathroom. We were in there for about 45 minutes until it stopped storming. Luckily, we didn't die. I mean, the child's gas and rambunctious behavior was enough to murder me, but ALACK! I have survived. :)
Today I have been forced to do a whole lot of manual labor. mhm. my mother is a demon (occasionally).
Honestly, I shouldn't complain as much as I do, because it's SUMMER, and I'm just plain happy. Why do I blog if I only have two followers? hmmm... because it's nice to ramble about thinks, post them online and feel special.
Song of the Day: "I'll Be" - Edwin McCain
Why? : Because this song is AMAZING, describes exactly how I feel sometimes, and David Archuleta performed it recently, and it was BOSS.

well, have a lovely Sunday/Monday/week/whatever :)

1 comment:

  1. I agree, partly, with your weather statement.
    I mean, come on, WHERE ARE ALL THE SUNFLOWERS?! I want a field of sunflowers!
    And lately it has been rather rainy. But it's also been sunny, when it hasn't been rainy. And warm. So we'll see.

    I find it slightly humorous that you guys were all freaked out when I didn't even know about that tornado warning... Well, not humorous. I'm glad you didn't die. And I guess 60 somethin' miles away is pretty far, too.


"Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!"
Say anything you'd like. It can be as random as that ^ and I won't judge you.