


Tomorrow is November first.
Wish me luck.
My goal is 1660 words a day.
We'll see how that goes.

Happy Halloween!
Eat too much candy!

Swankystuffs- Being able to say "Meow" consistently because you are a cat for Halloween.
Rumpus- stress.


Peaches, Polygamy, Postulates, and Porcupines

Holy freaking frozen peaches on a stick, when was the last time I blogged? *checks* September 20th....that's a month. >.>
I started tumbling. Like, tumblr. ACK, Why did I say that? I know what you're thinking, and you are completely correct. Blogger, I cheated on you with Tumblr. There, I said it. I was wondering if you, Tumbly and I could have a polygamist relationship? You know, like on that show on TLC "Sister Wives" where this incredibly unattractive guy has four wives and a total of 16 children and they all live in the same house and say "we would like to court her." when talking about the husband maybe, possibly dating another woman. I KNOW. WAT.

Yeah, so can I like, blog with you AND Tumblr? REALLY? Awesome. <3 You're the best.

Guys, I'm talking to a website.

So... besides the fact that I use Tumblr now ( ) I am going to do NaNoWriMo next month. .. basically I am going to write a 50,000+ novel. I am probably going to post a blog every day if I can, just to get into writing every single day. w00t. Wish me luck. (My novel is about juvenile delinquents who escape their facility to...well. you don't need to know that yet.)

Nothing else very interesting has been going on. erm, school is okay. Very stressful, lots of learning obviously...OOHH GEOMETRY! PROOFS, POSTULATES, AND THEOREMS. -____-
My buddy Courtney ( )and I have started mailing letters to each other, which I find quite amusing, and awesomely geeky. She lives an hour away, but we're still penpals.

oh, and I guess this is sort of snazzy.... I changed my relationship status on Facebook. So now Kevin and I are facebook offical. Blargh. That term makes me sick. xD I decided it was time to like, actually let some friends of mine (not my best friends, I had to tell them right away) know about yeah. Well I did kind of like, block my Dad, stepmom and grandma from seeing it. They don't need to know about that right now. Anywho, as soon as I posted it, I literally got 7 facebook chat thingys from people. "WHO'S YOUR BOYFRIEND? DO I KNOW HIM?" "WHAT DO YOU MEAN SCOTLAND? Like, the country?" "Wait, how do you know him if he lives in Scotland?" "Does he go to our school?" "Is his accent hawt?"

.....OHMYLORD. People are nosey. Yeah.. whatever.

So this post has been lovely...I know I call myself the Grammar Wizard, but I should really be the Typo Monster. I hope your weekend is full of fun, happiness, and porcupines.

SwankyStuffs- Fortune cookies that read " 'You're' is a contraction, you fools."
Rumpus- Upset stomachs.


It's the little things in life that make me smile.

S'mores on summer nights.
Wearing your favorite T-shirt to school.
Taking a long Sunday nap. (You can do this because your curtains darken the room and it feels like nighttime.)
Hanging up a picture of you and someone you love in your bedroom.
Staying up late and talking about the good times, way back when.
No homework on a Monday.
Hearing your favorite song live.
When someone thanks you for being a nice person.
Arguing about stupid things, like how many different kinds of grapes there are.
Tripping in the hallways and laughing at yourself.
Hugs from your favorite person, especially when needed.
Fuzzy socks.
Getting a text that says "You're awesome."
A video on youtube that makes me laugh until I cry.
Mashed potatoes made by my mother.
Kisses from my puppy.
Seeing/hearing the words "Rapscallion, tomfoolery, rumpus, tomfoolery, or shenanigans" in a book, article, movie.
Seeing a fellow classmate reading Harry Potter.
Fluffy pillows.
Hand sanitizer.
New violin rosin.
When my mother calls me "Skunky" for no reason at all. :P
Panda bears.
Bright blue nail polish.
Finding the perfect outfit to wear.
A nice bagel with strawberry creme cheese.
Writing assignments that are fun to work on.
Knowing that your favorite Tv show is on tomorrow.
Random blogging.
Witty friends.
Stupid commercials that make you laugh.


Rumpus- Lots o' maths homework, missing your pally that lives far away.. *cough* COURTNEY *cough*
Swankystuffs- new, shiny refrigerator. ♥ oh, and...GLEE SEASON TWO PREMIERE.



You are truly special.
Don't forget it.

wow, haven't blogged in forever. Don't have time today. Won't be a long post. so apparently I can't even use complete sentences...hmmm...the Grammar Wizard has failed.

swankystuffs- lights in pools that change colors.
rumpus- no mo' pizza? :(




I told my parents the 'secret' I've been keeping for 4 months: I have a boyfriend who lives in Scotland. So, now I can mention him not-so-vaguely on blogs, without the fear of my mother finding out.
I am SO relieved to have told them. Well, my stepdad knows, not my Dad. I guess he'll find out eventually...
anywho, I thought I was going to get in huge trouble, but really, all my punishment was, is doing dishes for a month. Not too shabby.
The elephant is no longer sitting on my chest.

Life is good. School is hot and sweaty, ick. I have my Driver's permit. :D !My friends are snazzy and I'm in love. :)

Swankystuffs- frosting
Rumpus- practicing scales


Forever and ever?

I am an outspoken, sometimes obnoxious human being. I love to be sassy and voice my opinion to others. Also, I'm just very loud and random. But why is it, that when I get to my honors English class, I'm this quiet, reserved, nerd girl who is boring and shy. WHY? All the other kids in this class seem to be very good friends, so when I try to join in, I am automatically not included. It's not fair. I want to be myself. But I can't because I am very intimidated by these rowdy, group of people. The teacher seems to like them a whole lot because they are all very humorous, and creative.I want her to realize that I have talent. But it seems as if she won't because I don't talk much. Why can't I open up and be myself? As John Green puts it "Whose self would you otherwise be being?" ...or maybe this shy little girl is a part of me? I don't like that. Not one bit.

School is a little stressful.
I don't enjoy having this stress back in my life.
But if I keep a positive attitude, it'll get better.
I have to tell my mother something... something I should have told her a while ago.

Don't you hate that feeling? Like there's an elephant sitting on your chest. You won't be allowed to breathe until you get all these tasks done. Until you tell that secret and come clean. Until you are relieved of the stress. Do you know what I'm talking about? No? Good for you.

Rumpus- All of the above ^
Swankystuffs- that one person that brightens your days. Even if all they say is "Hello".


Dis be mah blog post fo' 2day.

the internet is amazing.
It's brought me to so many amazing people.
Like, best friends. Fo' real.
I have no idea why I'm like trying to sound all stupid and ghetto, cause DUH. I'm da gramma' wizard. yeah okay. sugar does bad things to my grammar.
Life is good. I hope your's is goo. I mean too*. Not goo. Goo is icky.

I should probs do some homework naow,folks.(loljk, I'ma watch this movie that haz Zac Efron. Zac Efron is attractive.)

Short blog posts for the winnnn.

Have a swanky weekend! :)

Swankystuffs- peppermint icecream
Rumpus- Only 3 days o' the weekend.


What A Lovely Euphemism!

Point A.
Point B.
To get from A to B, you draw a line.
How you draw that line, is your choice.
Freehand? There may be many mistakes. Depending on what type of person you are. Perhaps, your line will be crooked, askew, catawampus, but not ruined. Still, you got to Point B, didn't you? :D
Or, you could use a ruler. Get there faster, and neatly. Direct.

Obviously, it's easier to use that lovely ruler. But alas, you'll have to get a ruler. Some people have easy access to a ruler. Some don't. (I don't.)

You can ask your mom for a ruler, and get one automatically. Maybe you just happen to have one sitting around the house. Save your money for a ruler, or draw your line freehand. #decisions

But all that matters, is that you get to Point B. and you WILL.

Then, all will be good.

Swankystuffs- Lunch with mah friends.
Rumpus- humidity.



Today was the penultimate (second to last) day of my summer. ALACK! That means... tomorrow is the conclusive, final day of my summer. Obviously. Mraaaaah. (Lately I have been usuing "mrah" as some sort of expression. Like "mrah. this is not fun at all." or even "MRAH! I stubbed my toe!" or, "MRAH!" like, just randomly saying mrah for no reason, cause I'm bizarre like that.)

Do you ever get "bizarre" and "bazaar" confused? Like, obviously you don't when you see it written down, or..maybe you do? but when someone says "biz-ar" do you ever think "The word that means 'something strange' or 'a marketplace or shopping quarter' ? " Cause I DO. Wow, I'm a bit lame.

Anywhoooooooooo, mi verano (summer) has been MIRACULOUS! The weather has been quite pulchritudinous (beautiful). and my days have been AMAZING (I wonder if you are thinking, "why in God's name is she putting so many parentheses, and acting like I have no clue what verano and pulchritudinous means. GOSH. I'M NOT AN IDIOT!")wow. Is it bad that I think about what you guys are thinking whilst reading this, all the time? MRAH. Methinks I shouldn't have eaten that cake and then jumped online to write a blog post. Sugar russsssh.

So, since I didn't really make a point in this blog post, (not that you really were curious as to what my point was) I shall leave you with this: Add life to your days. Not days to your life.

Embrace what YOU have left of your summer, break, relaxing time, evening, day etc. Have a MAJESTIC day, seize it. You've got a world of chances. #semi-motivationalHannah

swankystuffs- Frosting, naps, and quotes.
Rumpus- Graph paper.



One day, I hope to travel across the world on an elephant named Explosion. Either that, or own a puppy-sized elephant named Explosion, and travel with him across the world on an airplane.

swankystuffs- Nerdfighters. All of them.
Rumpus- losing your hairbrush


Therereallyisnotitlefortoday'spointlessblogsoiwilljustenditwithasmile :)

3 more days of summer. I need to think of some miraculous way to spend it.

Though, we all know that I'll end up on skype, or twitter, or something. Figures. meh, I like the internet. It's brought me to some amazing people. :)

swankystuffs- lalalallala, not telling you.


Friday the 13th is nothing special. but, I didn't die, so that's a plus.

Good evening. My name is Hannah, and I am NOT creative when it comes to making plans. I'm sitting here in my living room whilst my younger sister and older brother watch Icarly (some lady on the show just walked into an apartment living room, saw a sculpture and screamed AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH VERY loud. It was just..peculiar. This show is odd.) Anyways, it's Friday night, and I've got nothing to do. Part of me wants to stay here, watch Degrassi online, and eat junk food, while the other half wants me to get my a-- off this amazingly comfortable reclining chair, and go hang out with friends. After all, summer is almost over. I start sophomore year next Thursday. Merrrrrrrgh. I really really really really do not want to go. hehe, who am I kidding? I'z excited for school. SEE? IM INSANE. BIPOLAR I TELL YOU. Anywho... I might call a friend and ask them if they want to do something, I wish I could drive. Then I could actually DO SOMETHING.

My week has consisted of: Orchestra camp-GOOD LORD so many scales have been basically drilled into my brain this week, Cleaning the house- mraaaaaaaaaaaah. so much vacuuming. >.< BUT I have discovered that I actually ENJOY washing dishes. Weird, I know., OH. and I had a sleepover/bonfire at my friend Christina's house. I had so much fun just sitting around, talking to my best friends. :)

mkay. I have nothing else to write about. gunna go eat a snow cone naow.

swankystuffs- people who make you smile.
rumpus- your mom.


I have the bestest friends in the wholeeeeeeeeee wide world.
That is all for today.


Summer is coming to an end. I start school on the 19th. I'm hoping Sophomore year is going to be good. :) My goal is to introduce more of my friends to Nerdfighteria. I sure wish I had a pizza John shirt to wear the first day...

swankystuffs- giant stuffed monkeys
Rumpus- hunger



So today, I can't make plans, leave the house or anything, because of a MATTRESS.
mraaaaaaah. I have to stay here and wait for my mom's California King mattress to come in.

well....I shall be eating junk food and watching Gilmore Girls all day. Lazy Saturday? Yes!

SwankyStuffs- new converse
Rumpus- stomachaches



Yes, I complain. I really shouldn't though. I do love my life and all it has to offer. Complaints are something I'm attempting to obliterate. This is all for today. :)

Swankystuffs- Being loved.
Rumpus- thumbtacks



I need food. I don't think I've ever been this hungry. Okay, maybe I'm not thaaaat hungry, considering the fact that I'm refusing to eat whatever crap we have in our refrigerator. But it's NAST. urgh. I can't eat ramen for the rest of my life.

oh LOOK. Mom just asked if I wanted to go out to eat.... #pointlesscomplaining. :)

rumpus- dramallamallamallama


Wow. I used my brain a lot today.

It's 12:30 am. I can't sleep. I won't sleep. Today really hasn't been the most..eventful day, but it's certainly been filled with a whole lot of pondering. I've been thinking all about my past,present, and future. (Is this normal for some of you?..cause teh Hannah doesn't spend much time thinking about her REAL life, but more so her internet one. Does that make any sense? No? ...okay.)

So much of my childhood was obscured by my parents' divorce. It wasn't ruined but it's a whole lot different than it would've been if all of that chaos did not happen. But, it is safe to say, that because of all the emotional pain, difficulties, arguments, fighting for what I believe in, parent conflicts, etc, I am who I am. I'm strong. I know who I can and can't trust. I've learned how to stand up for myself, and how to deal with certain situations. I won't talk too much about what happened, but I can tell you that it was not good. Certain people turned out to be the opposite of who I thought they were. My life crumbled to pieces in a matter of days, hours, possibly minutes. I moved out of the house I was in, and into my grandparents' house (with my mother as well). I worked as hard as I could to feel loved, respected, and understood by my father. My mom fought for visitation, etc. Over all, it was the most difficult (probably 5 years) of my life. Like I said, it was for the best, and made me who I am. But I NEVER, ever want to go through something like that again. I cannot bear to fall apart like that twice. Watch the people I love change. I now know what kind of person I am, want to be, and will not choose to be for the future.

My future. Now that's something I need to think of. Yes, I'm most definitely going to finish high school(I've gotten a quarter of the way through it, anyways). And then go to college(Really? Really! This girl is actually going to UNIVERSITY. I'z vary smarrt.) Though I'm not positive what I want to do with my life... that's a biggie. What am I good at? What kind of jobs interest me? I love writing. I love science. I love observing things. I love talking to people. I love helping people. I love reading. I love editing things. There is so much more. but really, I can't figure out what I want to do in life. Perhaps I shall found out within the next few years? Let's hope so. I want to find a job that I absolutely adore doing. :) I also, would like to get married, and have a few kids. (Already got names picked out. :P ) Years later, I would eventually like to retire and enjoy life with my husband. Wewt. :D The future is something I am most definitely looking forward to. (and, being my lazy self, something that I kind of dread, because I am aware that it means actually working hard. pfft)

My present? (sorry for the out of order-ness, It bothers me. I have OCD, you probably don't. whatever.) uh.... for now, I'm basically enjoying life. I love the people I love. (hehe), I've met so many amazing people through the internet and will continue conversing with them and whatnot. I'm excited for my sophomore year of high school (well, kind of excited. How pleasantly excited can one get when she has that evil P.E. teacher yet again for Driver's Ed? mhm. Lovely.) Anywho, life is good. I'm working on being positive. 'Tis a toughy when you're surrounded by so many other angsty teenagers, and a few negative adults. Okay, a plethora of negative adults. But ALAS! I'z attempting it. :)

Wow. Long post. Yet again. If you read this, thank you for putting up with my rants. :)
I hug you now. *huggles*

SwankyStuffs- Rootbeer floats
Rumpus- conversations being cut short


wheeeeeeeeeeeeee. ♥

Phrases you might hear me saying (aloud) on a regular basis:

But, yeah...
Hello little child!
oh yeah, that's cool...
Fancy Nancy.
Oh my goodness.
Whoa nelly!
You're obnoxious.
can you, like, not do that?
I love you.
(insert a plethora of strange noises here)
What? I'm a nerd.
I....I spilled this ___ on my hair.
Ohkayyyyyyyy then...
Hey mom, you're a lump.
"*yawn* I'm tired." "Then go to sleep." "I don't want to..."
I changed my mind.
You stinketh like lazarus.
Holy moses. (what? haven't heard me say that one? well, I totally forgot about it until now. ITS ON THE LIST OKAY!?!)
I'm hungry.

swankystuffs- skypin', and smoothies.
rumpus- nothing to do on this darn tootin' planet.


I'z a lazy bum.

Someone tagged me in this on facebook. I didn't really feel like answering it and putting on facebook for all to see, nor did I feel like coming up with something to blog today, so here ya go. if you'd like, take this survey as well. Here goes:

FACTS: Today

1. Talk to a boy or girl you like? -Yeah, I talked to the boy I like today.
2. Learn anything new?- Some people seem like they live to piss you off.
3. Talk to an expert?- No, but I watched John Green. Pretty close, if I must say.
4. Miss someone?- You don't even know...

FACTS: General stuff

5. Wheres your favorite hangout? -Skype.
6. What are you most scared of this second?- spiders, and losing the people I care for the most.
7. Song stuck in your head right now?- "Who Let the Dogs Out?" yeah, thanks Kev.
8. Been on t.v or radio?- Both. oh ho ho, look at fancy 'ol me.
9 Ever liked someone who treated you like crap? - Yeah, I can think of loads.
10. What color shirt do you have on now? Black. BUT. It's got Harry Potter characters all over it. BAM.
11. Name three things that you do every day? - Go online, eat, pray.
12. Whats your favorite show?- LOST, or Gilmore Girls.
13. Who got you to join Myspace? - I don't have a myspace. Never will. :P
14. Wish someone was next to you this morning when you woke up?- Story of my life.
15. What web site do you visit the most?- Twitter's (twe'ah) a good one.
16. Do you have plants in your room?- fake ones. :(
17. Who was the last person to hug you?- Are we talkin' url or irl? :P Real life? .. my mother.


1. WHAT IS YOUR DISPLAY NAME ABOUT? Well, I'm a wizard. (NOT A WITCH, LEAVE ME ALONE) and I like grammar.
2. WHATS YOUR CURRENT MOOD?- nostalgic, a wee bit paranoid, but mostly, I'm happy.
4. HOW ARE THINGS IN YOUR RELATIONSHIP?-I hope I'm right in saying that they're magnificent. :)
5. IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN TIME, WOULD YOU?- probably, waaaaaaaaaaaay back when, but not any other time in my life.
7. EVER HAD A NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE? - many. *shudder*
8.WHO IS YOUR MOST RECENT EX? - David Archuleta. I used to be in love with that guy...
9. HAVE YOU EVER SANG IN FRONT OF A LARGE AUDIENCE? - yes, but in a choir. hehhee
10. WHAT'S THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT THE OPPOSITE SEX?- whether or not they can make me laugh, their voice, and their eyes.
11.. WHAT DO YOU USUALLY ORDER FROM STARBUCKS?- Grande JavaChip Frappachino with caramel, not chocolate topping.


I am so very sorry.

I do not enjoy a plethora of chores.
I do not enjoy haircuts (especially the kind where you insist on just a trim, and they chop off inches..which is what is probably going to happen today).
I do not enjoy time zones.
I do not enjoy mothers yelling.
I do not enjoy plans being cancelled.
I do not enjoy forgetting my password.
I do not enjoy the feeling of missing somebody.
I do not enjoy idiotic brothers.
I do not enjoy a breakfast without coffee.
I do not enjoy being forced to wake up at 10 am because I "Slept in too late" .
I do not enjoy today.
I do not enjoy crappy internet connection.
I do not enjoy oatmeal.
I do not enjoy you. (sorry.)
I do not enjoy people barging into my bedroom asking me to try cherry pretzl dip. WTF.
I do not enjoy tripping.
I do not enjoy waiting.
I do not enjoy vacuuming (which falls into the chores categorey, but I do not CARE)
I do not enjoy losing my place in a book.
I do not enjoy BEING ANGSTY.

have a nice day.

swankystuffs- Kevin


Colon, D. (you have no idea what that meaaaaaaaaans)

I don't feel like rambling on and on. So let's just say,.... I'm happy.

SwankyStuffs- certain people.
Rumpus- carrots.


C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G Song

I'm in a tent. It's raining. but, I have really good wifi. I'm camping. Sort of.

Why yes! I am extensively aware of the fact that I have just told you the most stimulating short story of all time. You may extol my awesomeness now.

Swankystuffs- Staying after closing at Cedar Point, and riding Millenium Force five times.
Rumpus- unwanted precipitation


Hello, I love you.

:) I'm happy. Certain people are good at making me feel this way.

I love...
brownies, Voldemort, converse, ALLCAPS, skype calls, friends that stop by, summer tan lines, making "favorite song" playlists, twitter, new singles, inside jokes, giggling, mexican pizza, being sappy, practicing violin, Nerdfighteria, soundtracks, finding something you've been missing for years, and... *points* YOU. ♥

Have a nice week. I'm off to Ohio.



Richard Harris and Michael Gambon are spiffy.

If Dumbledore was here, he would tell me I'm being foolish. He'd say that I shouldn't listen to what other people say, and that I'm a beautiful person. Ol' Albus would reprimand me for comparing myself to other people. I'm positive that he would come up with something astoundingly wise and astute yet completely typical of him. If that makes sense. :P Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore always knows what to declare, and he'd cheer me up. but alas, the greatest wizard of all time, is not here. Nor does he exist. (wait...I mean..what? :x )
Looks like I'll have to turn to someone else...

Haha sorry people, I'm not emo. I'm just emo-tional. But otherwise, I'm doing good. I just a nice self-esteem booster or something.

Swankystuffs- Warm brownies
Rumpus- feeling lonely


School is bad news. Yesterday, I got some new shoes.

Wow. Summer has gone by so fast. I've got exactly a month left of it, and I feel like school JUST ended. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm excited about becoming a sophomore, starting Driver's Ed, seeing all my school friends, and going back to orchestra, but GAH. School JUST ended, and now I have to go back. D: I want a longer summer. and I don't want schoolwork and drama to deal with. Oh and good Lord, freshmen. -_- last year, I was happy to get rid of the 8th graders, but now I get to see them again. WEWT. ...yeah. :P #Hannahcomplains
I guess it'll be nice to buy new clothes, and see my friends, and start fresh. I need to think positive, but I just wish I had more time.

In other news, I'm really excited about a few things. This wednesday, I'm going on another vacation but this time with my mom and her husband. We're off to Ohio and Michigan. Where I shall go to Cedar Point (ROLLERCOASTERS) and camping at Silver Lake. So yeah, I finally get to take a trip to the beach, get more of a tan. Which by the way, I am pretty tan already. Not that you care...but you can definitely see because my birthmark (the one that looks like Abe Lincoln's profile) is entirely visible. :P Which basically means, that my skin color is a lot darker then, say...Edward Cullen's sparkly skin.
I'm also pretty stoked for September, which shall include my school's homecoming dance, David Archuleta's new album ( #dork ) , THE NEW SEASON OF GLEE, and Camp Rock 2( #dorkagain )

I've read three books in the past week and a half. I am quite proud of myself. Considering the fact that I have not read hardly at all this summer. My goal is to read 75 books this year, and I'm getting pretty close, but secretly (you may think this is silly) I want to get to one hundred. It's more 'even' that way. Yeah, I'm Hannah and I have a bit of OCD.

SwankyStuffs- White castle onion rings
Rumpus- my eldest brother has returned from his church trip. -_-


I may never understand.

I have zero patience.
I always say too much.
Paranoia takes over my mind.
I have OCD about so many things.
It's very hard for me to stay positive.
I correct everyone's grammar.
I can be very contradictory.
I have a tendency to be very sarcastic.
I'm an attention hog.
I hold grudges.
I expect too much out of everyone.
Short-tempered is who I am.
I'm also very nitpicky.
I cannot control my facial expressions.
I have several strange fears.
I always know exactly what I want, but I won't tell you because I'm scared.
I complain a lot.
Yes, I can be selfish.
I'm incredibly stubborn.
I tweet too much.
I'm socially awkward.
I have a severe obsession with David Archuleta.
I text a person a second time if they don't answer the first.
I have many flaws.

...yet you still love me.

To all my friends and family who love me despite my blemishes and faults. I now know that I am appreciated and cared for even though I can be a crazy fool. Some of you even love me BECAUSE I have these characteristics. Thankyou.


I have no reason to complain.
I'm sure I can rifle through every second of my days.
Dabble about.
But I'm positive that I cannot even visualize a flaw.
Merriment has overcome me lately.
I won't terminate the grin on my face.(Now without an overbite!)
Couldn't if I attempted.
Life is bizarre.
But it's also breathtaking.
Some may disharmonize, contest.
But I think it's imperative to enjoy the ride while you're on it.



So there are people in my life (or you know, famous people I've never met as well.) that are just hilarious and amazingly profound. Today I am going to share some of my favorite quotes. :)

The rules of capitilization are unfair to the words in the middle" -John Green

"NOOO! There's an ad on youtube. It was a talking BEARD."-Courtney

"I just watched a Spongebob episode where Squidward wakes up and is suddenly beautiful. Robert Pattinson wishes that would happen to him."

"The line in 'Santa Claus is Coming To Town' that says 'He sees you when you're sleeping..' reminds me of a certain, sparkly vampire" - Courtney

"Never trust anyone who has not brought a book with them" -Lemony Snicket

"Well that was a real slice!" - My grandfather, after watching the movie about teenage mermaids, Aquamarine.

"Unicorns were left off the ark for a reason." -John Green

"How is a raven like a writing desk? Edgar Allan Poe wrote on both."

"What if I was jumping pencil, then I could dominate the pencil dance?" -my friend Alea

"What if your name was pronounced Huh-NAH? That'd be nifty." - Courtney

"Wait. What IS guacamole?" -Kevin

"Yo Momma is so fat she got sorted into all four houses." - @lord_voldemort7 on twitter.

"Love is like quicksand: The deeper you fall in It, the harder It is to get out." - @thequotewhore on twitter

""It is cool meeting people online! As long as you are careful... that they are not goats."" -Courtney

"Let's put the Do Not Disturb sign on our door, and then people will WONDER." -myself, on the school's Tennessee trip. ...yeah.

"fancy nancy." -Christina

"Sometimes when I'm in tight crowds I surreptitiously sniff people. #secrets" -Hank Green

"Having fun isn't hard. When you've got your library card." -Arthur


so, I have a tan. I'm proud of it. I also came back from Florida with...okay, no souvenirs. but I did have the experience of going to Hogwarts, and whatnot.

Oh! and I saw Eclipse. but it felt like the same dialogue that they've used for the two previous movies, and the filming was pretty much just close ups of Edward Cullen's shimmery, pale face. yeah, I don't recommend it. Also, it didn't really help that I was like dead tired during it and when I look back, it feels like I saw it in a dream. (the best part of the movies was the Deathly Hallows trailer beforehand) .. yeah. :P

Yep. So I'm currently sitting on my couch watching Wizards of Waverly Place with my little sister. I think I've seen this episode like 4 times. How is that even possible? D:
I have nothing else to say really. My life is great. I'm loving it, it's just not that eventful. Does that make sense? :)
I must go now and enjoy my baked doritos. kbai.

Swankystuffs- Fleece blankets.
Rumpus- humidity


"And I was like baby, baby, baby, GET SOME CREATIVITY."

I really need to stop listening to "current" music. like seriously. Those half-baked, poorly written songs, are so freaking catchy. They make me want to DANCE. This is NOT GOOD. No one wants to see me dance. I really need to stick to wizard rock, oldies, and if I absolutely need to listen to pop music, I should listen to nerdy parodies of them. Justin Bieber is just NOT acceptable, I need to stop listening to that one song of his. wait what?...I didn't say that. kthanks.

I'z in Florida. It's pretty here. I like it. The Wizarding World of Harry Potter was....MAGICAL! (alakazam) Everything there looked and felt like I was in the movies. of my favorite days evar. OH! and butterbeer is pretty darn delicious. mmmmmmmmm.
Lately, I've been really moody, bipolar, and indecisive. Basically, I worry about just about everything in my life, and make mental pro/con lists. Then I complain, and take my angst out on the people I love. WHY? I do not know. I apologize for being a crabby teenage girl. :P Well, come to think of it, this is who I am. And I'm stuck wondering whether this is a terrible thing that needs to be fixed, or it's really just who I am, and I need to get used to being this way. CONFUSION. >.<

Other than that, life is good. I love summer break. I need to catch up on reading. But there really isn't anything I need 'to get done' because it's el verano, which means I can relax and enjoy myself. :)

Tuesday(or is it wednesday?) I go back to Illinois. I shall then resume my laziness, and perhaps chill (CAN I HAZ A TAN?)at my friend's pool.

Happy Birthday America. Hope everyone has a good holiday. or you know, just plain weekend. :)

Swankystuffs: puttputt golfing with yo family.
Rumpus: Brothers who taunt you to no end.


Merry Christmas, Hannah.

I'm getting up tomorrow morning at 8. So short blog post tonight. It's coming to you in multiple, tiny phrases explaining my stay in Florida so far.

Pretty condo.
Palm trees.
Freaking HOT.
Daddy and Stepmom.
Stepsister and...boyfriend?
Sooooo many stores.
David Archuleta's new single.
AWESOME movie theater.
Ben and Jerry's.
Taylor FreakingSexy Lautner.
Two crazy puppies.
Bath water-warm swimming pool.
Buttered popcorn.
Universal studios.

that is all for naow. Tomorrow, I shall talk all about the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. ♥

Hope you're having a miraculous summer!


This Cactus is Extraneous

I HAZ MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF SUGAR IN VARIOUS FORMS. HEHEHHEHEHEH. So I am assuming that this particular blog post will probably make no sense or just be very random and awry.

My puppy, Chewbacca, is hiding under my bed as of now because he doesn't want to take his bath. DOG. GET OUTTA THAR.

1. FAVORITE DISNEY MOVIE? Does this include Disney/Pixar? >.< If so, Toy Story. Oh yeah, and I like The Lion King, Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast, Alice in Wonderland, pretty much all the nifty, old ones.
4. THE ONE THING THAT YOU ALWAYS DREAD DOING? Picking up dog crap, folding laundry.
5. WATER BALLOON OR SUPER SOAKER? I'll just use my bucket.
6. WHAT IS YOUR BEST FRIEND'S MOM'S NAME? Shaniqua...psh, I'm not kidding.
7. FAVORITE FLAVOR OF PRINGLES? Anything but Pizza-flavor. blech. *reminisces on childhood*
8. SOMETHING YOU DO WHEN YOU'RE HOME ALONE? uhh, I sing Glee songs at the top of my lungs whilst vacuuming.
9. WHAT WAS YOUR CHILDHOOD NICKNAME? I'm still sort of a child, and my nicknames are/have been: Hannah Banana, Hanners, Hamm, Hanny, Albus, Wallaby, Fool, etc.
10. WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU DO IN THE MORNING? I wake up in the morning and I check my twitter.

whoooooooooooot. :) Today I went to a Chinese buffet, 'twas yummy by the way. and my fortune from my cookie said "When you awaken tomorrow, solutions to your problems will become clear." I sure hope you're right, Mr. Cookie.

Now my dogs have both taken baths and are running around in circles like spazzes trying to dry themselves off. :)


So, this weekend I was planning to go to Six Flags (ROLLERCOASTERZZZZ :D ) on Saturday with mi familia, but my mother decided that it was a great idea to cancel it. >.< and today I was going to go with the church youthgroup to Chicago (CHEESECAKE FACTORY AND BOOK SHOPPING.) but it got cancelled because of "probable thunderstorms". >_> grrrrr. So, I am a tad upset. BUT ALACK! Tuesday afternoon, I get to ride the airplane to Florida and visit mah daddy-o. Should be a fun time. As I said before, my siblings and I get the chance to go to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios, Orlando. XD I am SO FREAKING ECSTATIC. Didya know that the majority of the Harry Potter cast was at the theme park when it opened a few weeks ago? WELL, THEY WERE. aaand if you don't know this already, you should realize that I am a ginormous Dumbledore fan, and guess what guyz, he was there. This pretty much means that when I arrive, I will become the Harry Potter fangirl that I am, and kiss the ground of the park, for Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, was in fact, at that very place. Or you know, Michael Gambon was. Same difference.
While in Florida I will probably be hanging at the beach in Daytona (workin' on mah tan, yo.), shopping, and just catching up with my father. oh and.... I might possibly, maybe...go see Eclipse at midnight. *hides*
I'm hoping for a great vacation. Florida has always been a great place to visit. :)

Ahh, well I am pretty exhausted my chums, so I shall go watch some Hannah Montana naow, and continuously cackle at it's outright cheeseball-ness :)
Until next time...

SwankyStuffs- Homemade Egg Mcmuffins for breakfast.
Rumpus- Waiting for hours to speak to someone, then having to leave as soon as you get the chance.


Life is a Story Plot

So you know how in English class, before teachers give you the novel/short story/etc that you are going to read in class, they make you fill out those worthless worksheets or teach you all about the main points in a story? Well, I randomly came across one of those amiable worksheets, and it got me thinking. What if life is actually like this? Of course, books and movies are exceptionally cheesy, unrealistic, and occasionally ridiculous, but hey, so is life. (Well, minus the unrealistic part...because obviously if life was unrealistic, then it wouldn't be life, and then we would all be indubitably confused, which is exactly how you feel right this very moment, because I am not only idiosyncratic, but just plain batty.)

Think about it. Life starts off with an exposition, or introduction. Slowly, you are introduced, and adapt to a setting, an environment. You become friends with certain people, and start off your life. This of course, happens over a period of a few years. Then, there is the rising action. I would consider the pre-teen to teen years as the rising action. The time in your life when you learn new concepts, grow physically and emotionally, develop relationships, and prepare yourself for life. Of course, you are already living life, and have since well, you were born, but you are readying yourself for "living on your own".

The definition of the climax is "the highest or most intense point in the development or resolution of something; culmination." so, is it a mid-life crisis, or the happiest day or your life? This is what confuses me. Usually, in a story, it is the peak. The huuuuuge problem that is going to be resolved, in the falling action.
A story that doesn't have falling action is almost always a story that ends too abruptly and disappoints the reader. So, I would say that the falling action in one's life, would be attempting to solve your problems, continue growing as a person, possibly re-building up relationships, and just loving life. This all eventually leads to the resolution, or conclusion: death. Wow, that sounds depressing. But alack! Death definitely does not have to be a depressing event. I mean, of course someone who is dearly loved will pass on, but if they have lived a good life, and done the best they could, then you can replace mourning with remembering, and celebrating the life that they had.

Life really IS like the stories we read, and movies we watch. Keep on keeping on.
So, I am not exactly sure if this was an entirely aimless blog post or not. I am in fact, a bit deranged. The thoughts that run through my head are generally crazy and just plain strange. It's like my brain is hyper and hops around in my cranium all day. Basically, I have been thinking about life and how I want mine to be. I don't want to sound cliche and say "oh yeah, I definitely want to do something and make a difference." Sure, making a difference would be great, and I shall attempt that, but really, I just want to be the person that I am, make and mend relationships throughout the years, achieve the goals I have and will eventually set for myself, and set and example for those who are younger than I am. wewt.

As of now, I am loving life. Yes, I complain sometimes.. or you know, a lot. I really hope that I continue being happy with myself, because I'm quite pleased with how this is all going.
Sorry for the double posting today. I'm a bit awry today and felt the need to meander a bit. Anywho, have a spectacular day. Don't get up to too many antics.

SwankyStuffs- Hot ham and cheese sandwiches.
Rumpus- Chlorine hair.

Precise Poetry

I wrote a haiku about Giraffes.

"On the empty plains
Brown and yellow spots whiz by
Galloping eastward."

I am quite fond of this altitudinous, beanstalk of an animal.

SwankyStuffs- Haikus, short blogposts.
Rumpus- Waking up to your dog puking on your snuggie.



Questions. My cerebellum is full of these. Here are a few:

Why is it that after I slaved for years to mend this relationship, just to see it crumble in the end?
Why can't we all just get along?
Why can't I go to Target and pick up a few quarts of patience?
How is it, that my heart hasn't exploded from all the love, yet?
Are we having fun yet?
Why can't people tell the difference between "their, there, and they're" and also "your, and you're" ?
Who decided that pink was "a girl's color" and blue is "a boy's color?
How is it possible for me to inherit my mother's laugh? I MEAN, COME ON.
When is my sister going to stop coming into the room while I am on a skype call?
Why are my friends so amazing? and why do they love me so much?
When can I finally meet Kevin in person?
How has Justin Bieber not gone through puberty yet?
Why do I have a birthmark that resembles Abraham Lincoln's profile on my right leg?
Why are little children so interested in jewelry?
Why does time have to go by so fast, and yet it seems so slow?
Is this real life?
What are we having for dinner?
What the heck is wrong with me?
How am I not tan yet?
How is it even possible to be this happy right now?
Why do I have so many questions?
Will they ever be answered?
Why do I have an irrational fear of mustard?
Is that weird?
Why does Edward Cullen sparkle?
How the heck is that attractive?
Edgar Allan Poe is schmexy.
Why did I say that? It wasn't even a question.
How do I stop myself?
Have I lost my marbles?
Do you think I'm trying to be funny? I CAN'T STOP. owait. I just did.

phew. okays. Readers, do you have questions that run through your head multiple times throughout the day? Why are so many of them unanswered? What can you do to answer them?
Enjoy pondering. And have a happy Father's Day. :D


"We're saying magical, naughty words like 'jiggerypokery' !" #Titleirrelevant

My tab button is still not working. I might just have to murder a randomer on the street. Juuuuuust kidding, folks. :)
HOW ARE YOU ALL?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?! I hope you are just as fancy schmancy, giddy, and ecstatic as I am. If not, I'z sorry, but I do hope for you to find a reason soon to feel this way. :D yeahhh. I am in such a great mood. Life, and summer is just going splendidly. Last night, my friend Courtney came over. I don't often see her in person because she lives about an hour and a half from me. Sadness. So she just left, but we had a really great time. We've sorta made it a tradition to trek our way (more like mi madre driving us) to Barnes and Noble and hanging there for a few hours. What can I say? We like books. A lot. Also, BN haz Starbucks. Starbucks equals GrandeJavaChipFrappuchinos. ZOMG. ♥ So yeah. Today was naice. Courtney also let me put a bunch of her snazzy Cd's onto my iTunes. I am mostly excited about the ALLCAPS one. Luke Conard and Kristina Horner are quite wondrous. :)
Soooooooooo my father emailed me the other day a few links to websites about The Wizarding World of Harry Potter. Why?, you may ask. BECAUSE I AM GOING THERE. In about two weeks, I shall go to Florida, the place in which my father has recently inhabited. I am so stoked. It looks AMAZING. After years and years of wishing I could attend Hogwarts' School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, I can finally go thereeeeeeeeee!!! #nerd :) It looks so real, there are about 3 rollercoasters, and it has all the shops and sites from Hogsmeade. Also, you send Owl Post from there. HECK YES. Should be a fun time.
Oh, and next weekend, I am going to Six Flags in St. Louis, Missouri. WEWT. Rollercoasters are literally one of my favorite things in the world.
I have about 7 books I need to read, so I should probably pull myself away from this computer at some point, and get to it. hmmph.
Anyways, I believe that all of you are awesome. So don't forget it. Have an indubitably phenomenal day. ♥
SwankyStuffs: HarryfreakingPotter, Rollercoasters and internet hearts (♥)
Rumpus: Little sisters kicking you in the shins.



The weather has been crappy here in the lovely town o' ___, IL. So many thunderstorms/tornado warnings etc. Tonight, a sleepover complete with a Gilmore Girls marathon, got cancelled because of the weather. :( BUT. Then it got rescheduled. For tonight. So basically, it wasn't actually cancelled. :P hehe. Yeah, I'z a fool.
My tab button isn't working on my keyboard, so I cannot indent, and this drives me insane. >.<
2 of my pallies have made a blog today, and I am happy because of that. They are amazing nerdfighters as well. Kevin: and Cole : So yeah, read their blogs. They be amazing people. :)
Right now I am sitting in front of the television with my sister, whilst watching some strange disney show called "Good Luck Charlie". All disney channel showes are the same: terrible. -_-
Recently I've discovered, that when I introduce things that I like (tv shows, books, music, etc) to others, at first, I am excited to see how they like it, but then later on, when they become OBSESSED, I get really pissed off, and wish I was actually a wizard, and I could take back what I did. I suppose I am selfish, because in my mind, I am really thinking " NO. I LIKED IT FIRST. YOU CAN'T LIKE IT AS MUCH AS ME!" :P
Random things running through my mind today:
* I have decided to stop calling pants, pants. But to start referring to them as "pantaloons", seeing as that is the full name for them.
* I only wear my bracelets on my right hand. I wonder why. and does this have anything to do with my left-handedness?
* Does shouting really help solve problems with an arugments? REALLY?
* random.

Yeah, this blog was entirely peculiar and bizarre. See you tomorrow :)


In which I rant about sassy grandmothers and lose my title of the grammar wizard for having so many lame typos.

Just recently my mother got married. Actually, by just recently I mean this weekend. My entire family (even though they are all from different parts of the country) traveled to Kentucky (I have no clue why the wedding was in Kentucky, seeing as we live in IL...I suppose the reasons for that is probably just that my mother is insane) for the wedding. It was quite naice. We had fun, the wedding was gorgeous, I got to see my family and whatnot. So wheeeeee. (EXCEPT I HAD NO INTERNET CONNECTION AND MY LIFE WAS RUINED)
Now, I am currently at my grandparents' lake house in Loda, IL. I call it Yoda. 'Tis this tiny, minuscule town that is inhabited mostly by the old crusty people, and their yappy little doggies. I am not an outdoorsy person, so I am pretty bored. I went for a 5 mile bike ride yesterday with my cousins after it stopped pouring rain. Good exercise. Yay. But other than bike rides, eating, reading, being snarky, and going online, I don't do much at this lovely lake house. So of course, my grandmother complains. "You've been on your computer all afternoon." "Sorry Grandma..." " I think you should spend time with your cousins tomorrow, and swim in the lake."
Of course, I was not that rude and didn't respond to her like that, but I said "Okay, but I will be online some tomorrow." and she goes "Well, don't be on too long." "It's my computer." she sasses me back : "It's our internet." and I say "HA. Like that'll stop me." and then I ran up the stairs and ignored her for about an hour.
GRRRRRRRRR. My GRANDMA is so sassy. Who here has a SASSY grandmother? NO ONE.
Also, she doesn't cook. She only cleans. and sometimes, she comes into your room at midnight ON A SCHOOL NIGHT and cleans your closet. woopdedoo! ...she is insane most of the days.
I know you are probably thinking, "what if said grandma reads this blog post?" Well folks, she won't because she doesn't know how to use a computer, really. (Once when trying to get to, she didn't know how. And instead of typing it where it should've gone, she typed it in to the google search box, clicked the link, and went there. Yeah, I know that's one way, but she does it with every single website. also, she doesn't know what "copy" and "paste" mean.

Okay, enough complaining about my grandma. Last night, I had so much fun. I have this uncle. He is pretty spiffy. All of the cousins, my uncle, and I were sitting in the living room, bored. Somehow we got to the subject of movies and my uncle Tony goes " NINE FAVORITE MOVIES. GO!" We were utterly confused. "Come on now, everyone list their 9 favorite movies." Being myself, I asked why it had to be the number 9 and not 10 or any other number. He simply said that 9 was a good number, and it just had to be 9.
We couldn't all list our 9 favorite movies at the tops of our heads, so Tony said that we would list ALL THE MOVIES and if one of them was one of your nine favorites, raise your hand. This event was hilarious because we literally spent the next three hours listening to and helping my uncle list off the most ridiculous movies ever, plus some good ones, all in alphabetical order.
Whenever we thought of one we skipped, he yelled RE-DO. Of course we didn't list all the movies, but it was quite hilarious. Whenever someone said a movie that was just terrible, he said it didn't constitute as a movie :P Ahhh, my family is crazy. I wonder how I came out so normal.

Over all, my summer break is going great. Though I can't wait to get back to Hogwarts next fall.
Have a splendid week. :)
With Love,


In case you were wondering what "Sedatephobia" means, it does NOT mean a fear of being sedated. However, it DOES mean "fear of silence". The reason I put this as the sub-title of my blog, is because it said I had to put something there, and being my lazy self I thought " >.< ...what the heck am I supposed to produce from my mind and place in that box?" I happened to know what "Sedatephobia" meant, and put it there. Because simply, I am afraid of silence. :)
Even by talking to me for a few minutes, you will observe that I never shut up. Even if there is an awkward moment(and I promise you, there are many), I just change the subject and babble on about something else that is random. I never have anything to say, however, I never shut my mouth. Does that make sense? :P
It is naow summertime. and I am enjoying this A LOT. Except for the weather not being what it should be. It should be this: but unfortunately, it is this : . No, no no. The tornado is not a dramatic exaggeration. In the lovely town of _______ , IL, we have about a kajillion (accurate estimate?) tornado warnings a year. Wheeee how fun! Last night, we had a major one. Apparently it was going to "hit" at 10:10 pm. When we heard this news, my lovely family of five all crammed into our tiny bathroom since we do not have a basement in this new house. oh joy. and of course, that was the exact moment when my 9 year old brother, Seth decided he was going to be gassy. mhm. fun times. there was kicking, screaming, arguing, farting, singing, and whining in that bathroom. We were in there for about 45 minutes until it stopped storming. Luckily, we didn't die. I mean, the child's gas and rambunctious behavior was enough to murder me, but ALACK! I have survived. :)
Today I have been forced to do a whole lot of manual labor. mhm. my mother is a demon (occasionally).
Honestly, I shouldn't complain as much as I do, because it's SUMMER, and I'm just plain happy. Why do I blog if I only have two followers? hmmm... because it's nice to ramble about thinks, post them online and feel special.
Song of the Day: "I'll Be" - Edwin McCain
Why? : Because this song is AMAZING, describes exactly how I feel sometimes, and David Archuleta performed it recently, and it was BOSS.

well, have a lovely Sunday/Monday/week/whatever :)


Storms are nifty. They make the house dark in the afternoon so I can take a nap. :D
Hello thar. I am going to copy off of my friend and use her fancy little list thing. This is because I am entirely uncreative today and refuse to think of anything remotely unique to talk about.
Here goes:
1. NAME: Hannah/Hanners/Albus

2. LAST THING YOU ATE: Barbecue Chicken. oooooommnonomnomnom

3. IF YOU WERE A CRAYON, WHAT COLOR WOULD YOU BE: Blue. Blue. Blue. Blue. or you know, purple.

4. COMEDY OR DRAMA: Comedy please. I need to laugh.

5. FAVORITE ARTICLE OF CLOTHING: My wardrobe consists of jeans, t-shirts, and the occasional sock.

6. READ BOOK BEFORE SEEING THE MOVIE: Yes. This is a necessity.

7. SUMMER, WINTER, SPRING, OR FALL: What do you think? ...SUMMER ♥

8. FAVORITE DRINKS: Mountain Dew, Grande Java Chip Frappachinos from Starbucks, H20.

9. FAVORITE SMELL: .strawberries, brownies, peanut butter.

10. FAVORITE T.V. SHOW: Glee, LOST, Gilmore Girls, The Office.

11. I SECRETLY…: I can't say that I have any secrets. Well, there is one...

12. LAST SONG YOU LISTENED TO: The Call-Regina Spektor

13. THING THAT MAKES YOU FEEL NOSTALGIC (HOME): I'm actually not sure of that one.

14. THING THAT REMINDS YOU THE MOST OF CHILDHOOD: Pokemon cards, Hey Arnold, The Bear in the Big Blue House, Jump5, my doll 'Dirty Molly' :P, The Magic Treehouse books, Full House, going to the park and climbing on the giant caterpillar thingy.

15. THING YOU WISH YOU HAD: Money. So I could travel, buy clothes and books, and go to more concerts.

16. FAVORITE FOOD: Mashed Potatoes ( I can eat them any day, and any time) Chocolate in any form, BDubs aka : Buffalo Wild Wings, Tacos, Bacon, Smores, all that good, unhealthy crap.

17. BIGGEST PET PEEVE: "I know right!?", "And I was like...and she was like....isn't that like so... like weird?", Hair flipping, orange tans, people who think they know everything about other people, fools who suck up to the teacher even though the teacher hates them, obsessive Twilight fans who think it's the best literature known to man, basically, obnoxious teenage girls who think they "rule the school".

18. BEST SUPERPOWER: Invisibility. I don't care what you say. I want to be invisible.

19. IF I COULD BE ANY FICTIONAL CHARACTER (from T.V. books, etc.), I WOULD WANT TO BE: Rory Gilmore, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, or Kate Austen.

20. FICTIONAL CHARACTER MOST LIKE MYSELF: Lorelai Gilmore. She is a whole lot more outgoing and witty than myself, but I look up to her character, and I am like her quite a bit.

21. HAMBURGER OR HOTDOG: Cheeseburger. Dare to be different.

22. DREAM JOB: Lyricist, screenplay writer, or something outrageously awesome.

23. I WISH I… could travel to Scotland, finish high school now, buy a puppy and name it Bouncy, meet John Green, and stuff my face with Bacon right this moment.

24. IF I COULD GO ANY WHERE AND MONEY WAS NOT AN OPTION, I WOULD GO TO: Scotland, Elmhurst, IL, Texas, LA, China, Australia, Madrid, England,...

25. RANDOM THING ABOUT YOU: I have OCD (undiagnosed but I'm pretty sure) So, moving the ottoman of my couch so that it is slightly at an angle, drives me nuts. I have to stop the show I am watching and fix it. There are many more embarrassing examples that I'd rather not share with you.


3 more days until my Summer begins.

Life is spiffy.


Ball gowns and Apparition

I wish I could apparate. That would solve all of my problems.

*dramatic sigh*
Hi there.
Hannah is feeling lazy and dreaaaaaaaaaaamy today.
Not dreamy as in "oh, that Cedric Diggory. He is oh so dreamy." but the adjective that means soothing, restful, abounding in dreams. yep. I'm out of it.

Last night, I went over to my best friend Christina's house and we swam in her pool, went in the hot tub, etc. THE LIGHTS IN HER HOT TUB CHANGE COLORS. NO WAYZ.
This aspect is not important. Anywho, afterwards we got online and were randomly looking at wedding dresses. I, being myself, was incredibly picky and said no to every single one. :P
I still can't find one I like. And of course I have a few years, but yeah. You see, I change my mind ALL. THE. TIME. So, this maybe one decision that takes years. That, my friends, is why I am starting so early. :P
I really quite like the poofy ballgown dresses. Go ahead, call me stupid. Tell me it's ugly, but this dress, is gorgeous in my
I can definitely see myself wearing that, or something like it. With my converse of course. I can't be bothered :P ...with wearing heels or uncomfortable sandals all day.
Memorial Day is tomorrow and I have no school. I shall probably spend it reading, doing homework, studying, and skyping. Well, I'll will end up skyping instead of studying. That's just how it works.
Swankyness of the day - Red Velvet Cupcakes


Oh, you don't want to know.

I just wrote a crrrrrrrrrrrrrazy long blog post. I thought it was all spiffy and whatnot, but then I read it back and was like "uhh. This is lame. *highlight. backspace.* " And then folks, it was gone. I regret that. Seeing as, I was hyper on Mountain Dew. And when Hannah drinks that stuff, she goes loony. So here I am, with nothing to say. Story of my life. Soooooo yeah. I really don't know what the hay to write about. *wings it*
I have a fear of mustard. Yes. Mustard. Don't judge me. I have had scary childhood experiences that have caused me to fear this disgusting object that dares to be called a condiment. Aaaand I am going to use my fear of mustard to show you how RUDE american teens are. Dear rest of the world, I don't know how rude your teens are, but I sure hope they aren't as sassy and foolish as ours. Well, of course they aren't. We're just angsty because we are hungry and fat at the same time.
Anyways, at lunch today they had corndogs. blech. (Sorry Hank Green, but corndogs are just fried rumpus on a stick) And my 'friend', lets call her Wanda, she sat down and squealed"LOOK WHAT I HAVE. MUUUUUUUUUUUUSTARD." She then proceeded to wave the nast packet of yellow crap in my face obnoxiously. I slapped her hand and continued to read my english book. (for recreational purposes, of course.)
She was all "What's your problem Hannah? It's just mustard." I'll have you know, she is very much aware that I despise mustard but she continued to eat her corndog disgustingly in front of me. I puked a little bit in my mouth. I honestly do fear mustard, and would have ran out of the lunch room if it wasn't for the narrowness of the tables keeping me from leaving. But alas, I had to endure the stench and sit. there. in. pain.
aaargh. that was a terrible story. Sorry about that.
Long story short, don't trust the people that you label as your 'friends'. Or someday, they may turn on you and expose you to the thing you fear the most.
Come on, just imagine young, emerald eyed, Harry Potter being taunted by Ronald with a dementor.
accch. I apologize for being so horrid at morals.

UPDATES! time to sing the 'Update Song' : "ooh oh oh. updates! We love to hear about Hannah's life. She is so interesting. oh oh oh yeaahhh. "
My life is the same as it was yesterday. At least I think so. Generally I am happy. It's quite nice.

Why is today swanky?
-T'was the last day of P.E. No more standing in the outfield whilst playing kick ball and getting yelled at for not "being aggressive"
-I had animal crackers for breakfast, lunch and a snack. As the lovely Kevin pointed out, they were not chocolate covered. Pssssssh. get away.
-I got an A on my Spanish test that I thought for sure I failed
-Tomorrow is Friday :)
-My family just ordered food from "El Burrito Loco" . I'm not sure if I like that place or not, but ANY restaurant translated into "The Crazy Little Donkey" is my kind of place.

My loves, have a miraculous weekend. Eat some bacon, hang with yo' pallies, and get some sun.


Dreaming, Mononucleosis, Happy Circles, and other Nonsense

I like Glee. A lot.

In other news, I miss my best friend. Courtney dearest, come to Bourbonnais as soon as you can. We need to go to Barnes and Noble and look at the YA books for hours, we also need to watch spanish soap operas at three in the morning while hyper on soda and screaming "WASH YOUR HAIR", and quote HBP nonstop. I miss you, Barnaby.

Anywho, Hullo earthlings.
I have decided to make blogging consistent because it feels prrrrretty good to write on a regular basis.
Last night I had a dream that I got eaten by a chest of drawers. I mean, I guess you could say that I just stepped into them, so I kind of chose my own fate. Perhaps I thought Narnia was in there? And I'll have you know, that I would probably risk my life if it meant that I could see Mr. Tumnus. Owait. He's deceased.
Anyways, the dream consisted of myself and my grandmother sitting at the kitchen table discussing whether or not I should go into the chest of drawers. The reason this was up for discussion is because the chest of drawers was calling out "COME TO ME" in a Scottish accent. (I don't have a clue why :P ) I said it would be "quite an adventure" and she said "that is so very unsafe!" But late at night, when no one was watching, I went inside. I screamed, then I woke up. Telling it now, it seems short and not scary. But the dream, was sort of an "out of body experience" I was watching myself. and it was quite a long dream.
I dream every night. That's just how it works for me. and they are always strange ones. I won't go into detail. Just believe me when I say that they are extremely peculiar.
So, an update of my life? uhm. I am home sick. I might just have mononucleosis.T'is a nast sickness with loads of mucus and feeling like death. I have toooooooons of lovely study guides to do, seeing as school is ending and finals are coming.
aaaand we are moving. But alas! None of this is getting to me. I'm happy. And it feels good.

Summer is coming soon. and it shall be incredibly swanky. For it is going to be filled with Friends, smores, sun, Florida, Six Flags, weddings, and loooooove.
The weekend is coming. My brother is graduating high school. I am getting more and more OCD and insane as the days go by. and I am just incredibly happy.

I hope that you too, are happy. Happiness runs in a circular motion. Enjoy the ride while you're on it.

My grandmother just walked into my room and said "Hannah, please fax your mother and tell her about your appointment." She meant text. Not fax. Oh the elderly. How archaic and crusty their minds are beginning to become.

Anywho, Sorry if I bored you.
Have a splendid few days.


Dear Non-Existent Readers,

hy hello there Sailor!
You are either a complete stranger, or in fact another one of my friends.
If you are a friend of mine, I appreciate the fact that you actually thought to yourself "hmm. I am indubitably bored. I guess I shall force myself to read Hannah's blog." And here we are. Here I am blabbing on and on about absolute nothingness. And here you are, errr, reading it obviously.
I do believe that the only reason that I made a blog (why is a 'blog' even called a 'blog'? I understand the whole 'log' part, but where did the B come from? Goodness gracious, this world is explosively confusing) was because I am blase(argh. why is there no accent on the E?!).. Bored. Nothing remotely interesting happens from 7-10 PM or on weekends in the life of Hanners. So I have decided to blog my thoughts. Perhaps no one will read them. Perhaps a few shall. Either way, I am going to get on this dang site and ramble about a plethora of nonsense, thus spewing the contents of my haphazard world about the interwebz. Because I CAN!
Also, because I absolutely adore writing. It is truly the only way I can calmly explain something, or even just relax.
Once again, I appreciate you for takin' a quick look at this page.
For those of you who do not know me : I am Hannah. I am the GrammarWizard. I am a complete nerd, and I love you. ♥
Also, Please enjoy this lovely, and surprisingly large picture of Einstein and what appears to be a Razer guitar.